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General Information
For any information about our services and products you can contact us on:
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +44.20.3286.5356


If you need a custom hosting package or a quote for our services, please contact our sales team:

e-mail: [email protected]


If you need support on our services you can visit our support area or send as an email on: [email protected]


Greek Customers
To avoid high costs, our greek customers can contact us on:
e-mail: [email protected]

phone: +30.211.8001525
Mail address: Arachovis 45-47, 10681, Athens



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e-mail: [email protected]


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Some of our Work

Nikaria.gr Nikaria.gr

Nikaria.gr is a web portal about Ikaria, an island of the Aegean Sea. It contains a full tourist guide, a local news section, and many community features. It's online since 2006, but the last…

Nesshy.Net Nesshy.Net

Integrated Project NESSHY, partly funded by the European Commission in the context of the 6th Framework Programme for Research (6FP), is coordinated by the Environmental Research Laboratory of the…

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Pramnos hosting is one of the most promising companies on web hosting business. I certainly prefer it because they are reliable, flexible and well ahead of others in the industry!

Christina Kaouni - Owner of BeautyMakeUp.gr

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Pramnos Hosting Ltd
20-22 Wenlock Road,
London, England, N1 7GU
United Kingdom
Phone: 20.3239.7356
Email: info@pramnoshosting.com
Skype: pramnoshosting
Company Number: 07486531