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A schoolbook exchange program by Pramnos Hosting

Lately in Greece there is a huge problem with school books: Schools are starting next week, but the school books aren't printed yet, and are expected in the next months.

That means that students will start their classes without books for the first 1-2 months.

Hearing this, we all  felt very dissapointed. However, we came with an idea, that we suggested to our client CaptainBook.gr: A web application that organizes school book exchanges between parents.

Parents can give away last year's books to other parents to help their children.

As we expected, the people on CaptainBook.gr were very happy with the idea, and 2 days later we had the application ready. We didn't charge them, as they will not have any profit by this move. What we all gain is the satisfaction of helping other people, and that's something that is higher than profit.


You can see our appication at: https://www.captainbook.gr/schoolbooks (if you speak Greek of course).

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They should be the professionals of your choice and I would welcome the opportunity to work with them anytime in the future.

Vassilis S. - IT/IS Administrator - Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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