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Hellenic Endocrine Society

Hellenic Endocrine Society is one of the greatest medical societies in Greece. Members of our team are working with them since 2004. 

We provide them a series of services:

  • www.endo.gr Website
    Developed on Wordpress, is the front-end of the company
  • Members management
    Hellenic Endocrine Society is using our "MedicalWeb Society" product for the management of their members and all their infrastructure.
  • Web Development Services
    From time to time, we are asked to build specific application for their needs.
  • Web Hosting
    All their infrastructure is hosted by our dedicated servers.

Visit their website at: www.endo.gr

Some of our Work

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They are web experts with deep knowledge of programming languages and scripts, who will not back at any problem.

Yannis M.

Installation Wizard

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