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Opus Materia

OPUS MATERIA was founded in 1997 and activated in the pharmaceutical and, generally, the biomedical technology market. The Company’s activities are focused on the development and trade of high quality pharmaceutical products, chemicals/reagents and scientific instruments. The founders and the collaborators of OPUS MATERIA work harmoniously for a common Vision and Mission.

Check their website at: http://en.opusmateria.gr

Some of our Work

NassiaGems NassiaGems

NassiaGems.gr is an electronic store selling handmade jewelry. Part of the income goes to charity work. The website is developed and hosted by Pramnos Hosting, using Zen Cart. Visit the…

LustDecade.com LustDecade.com

LustDecade.com is an online store selling t-shirts and art prints. It's unique feature is that all desings are made by independent designers that can submit their work to the website. After…

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They should be the professionals of your choice and I would welcome the opportunity to work with them anytime in the future.

Vassilis S. - IT/IS Administrator - Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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